About us

Rang was built by teachers and students, for teachers and students.

We are teachers

Brian Malkin

Brian Malkin


Co-Founder and CEO

We are students

Quinn Lefkofsky

Quinn Lefkofsky


Luke Feltzin

Luke Feltzin


Our story

The idea hits directly on a pain point our co-founders felt in the classroom. As a teacher, Brian saw that classroom incentives are a critical tool for teachers to promote student engagement, but they take significant time and resources away from what teachers are uniquely qualified to do best, teach!

As high school students, Luke and Quinn were disturbed by the growing sense of detachment among their peers- a result of the pandemic’s challenges – they felt a strong need to address the disconnect.

The homegrown incentives teachers offer at school are not only time intensive to manage, but become less appealing to students entering their high school years. Rang brings in external community partnerships to provide unique products, internships, and experiences that make learning even more exciting!

Rang creates an ideal classroom environment where every student is excited to learn!

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